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Chienworks* Rotating Cat Head Video RCHV store - animated backgrounds & video clipart

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Wet rippled flowing colors

Added to catalog on 2004-10-13

Item: psych-04 - ab06-psych-04
Length: 0:20 - 70.5 MB
Format: NTSC
Loops: Yes
Price: $1.50

Qty: 1

Preview 1 second full-res sample WMV file - 421.4 KB
Preview full length lo-res sample WMV file - 689.9 KB

Chienworks* Rotating Cat Head Video RCHV store - animated backgrounds & video clipart
All prices in US dollars
All graphics, artwork, and video clips copyright 124 by Chienworks* Rotating Cat Head Video recommends SONY's Vegas software for video editing and DVD authoring.