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Chienworks* Rotating Cat Head Video RCHV store - animated backgrounds & video clipart

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Please note that there is a $10 minimum order per CD.

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View: All Cloud Countdown Drops Falls Fire Flowers Glow Leaves Planet Plasma Pocks Psych Rain Ripple Sunset Texture Water Wave
Collection: ab01 ab02 ab03 ab04 ab05 ab06 ab07 ab08 ab09 ca01 hd01 ob01 ob02 ob03 ob04 ob05 ob06 ob07 ob08
ripples-02 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09

Added to catalog on Rippled blue water surface in motion
ab09_ripples-02 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

wavelets-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09

Added to catalog on Flowing ripples sliding across a blue surface
ab09_wavelets-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

staircase-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09

Added to catalog on Curving loops of glowing lines undulating around the center of the screen
ab09_staircase-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

psych-08 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Psychadelic color patterns
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_psych-08 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

paisley-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Curving loops of glowing lines moving through space
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_paisley-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

orblbubl-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Percolating glowing globs on a rotating sphere
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_orblbubl-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

moonclouds-01 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ab09
Trees and clouds moving past a glowing full moon
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_moonclouds-01 disc:$3.00 d/l:$ 2.25

bluerain-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Blue raindrops dribbling down the screen
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_bluerain-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

beziersparkle-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Intersecting green curves
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_beziersparkle-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

bezierpsych-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Psychadelic color curves
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_bezierpsych-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

Chienworks* Rotating Cat Head Video RCHV store - animated backgrounds & video clipart
All prices in US dollars
All graphics, artwork, and video clips copyright 125 by Chienworks* Rotating Cat Head Video