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View: All Cloud Countdown Drops Falls Fire Flowers Glow Leaves Planet Plasma Pocks Psych Rain Ripple Sunset Texture Water Wave
Collection: ab01 ab02 ab03 ab04 ab05 ab06 ab07 ab08 ab09 ca01 hd01 ob01 ob02 ob03 ob04 ob05 ob06 ob07 ob08
ripples-02 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09

Added to catalog on Rippled blue water surface in motion
ab09_ripples-02 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

soleil-01h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01

Added to catalog on Glowing spinning rays emenating from the center
hd01_soleil-01h disc:$2.5

wavelets-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09

Added to catalog on Flowing ripples sliding across a blue surface
ab09_wavelets-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

slipperyslope-01h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01

Added to catalog on Dancing and glowing 3D waves
hd01_slipperyslope-01h disc:$2.50

staircase-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09

Added to catalog on Curving loops of glowing lines undulating around the center of the screen
ab09_staircase-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

psych-08 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Psychadelic color patterns
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_psych-08 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

paisley-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Curving loops of glowing lines moving through space
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_paisley-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

orblbubl-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Percolating glowing globs on a rotating sphere
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_orblbubl-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

moonclouds-01 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ab09
Trees and clouds moving past a glowing full moon
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_moonclouds-01 disc:$3.00 d/l:$ 2.25

bluerain-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Blue raindrops dribbling down the screen
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_bluerain-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

beziersparkle-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Intersecting green curves
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_beziersparkle-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

bezierpsych-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab09
Psychadelic color curves
Added to catalog on 2006-06-16
ab09_bezierpsych-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

psych-08h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Psychadelic color patterns
Added to catalog on 2006-06-14
hd01_psych-08h disc:$2.50

psych-07h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Psychadelic color patterns
Added to catalog on 2006-06-14
hd01_psych-07h disc:$2.50

psych-06h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Psychadelic color patterns
Added to catalog on 2006-06-14
hd01_psych-06h disc:$2.50

paisley-01h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Curving loops of glowing lines moving through space
Added to catalog on 2006-06-14
hd01_paisley-01h disc:$2.50

beziersparkle-01h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Bouncing green glowing curves intersecting
Added to catalog on 2006-06-14
hd01_beziersparkle-01h disc:$2.50

squishy-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Organic flowing bumps texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_squishy-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

raining-02 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Light rain sprinkles texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_raining-02 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

raining-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Heavy falling rain texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_raining-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

raindrops-01t : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Raindrops and ripples texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_raindrops-01t disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

rain-13 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on green leaves
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-13 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-12 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on a shallow pool
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-12 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-11 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on green vines
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-11 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-10 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on a tree branches
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-10 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-09 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on a purple flower
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-09 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-08 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on wet pavement
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-08 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-07 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on twigs
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-07 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-06 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on green leaves
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-06 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-05 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on a pink flower
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-05 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-04 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on green leaves
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-04 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-03 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on green leaves
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-03 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-02 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on a slimy stone
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-02 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

rain-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob08
Raindrops falling on a shallow pool
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ob08_rain-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

plaid-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Rectangular prism displacement texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_plaid-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

multilayers-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Flowing water ripples texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_multilayers-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

heatwave-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Vibrating hot air effect texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_heatwave-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

gritty-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Pulsating grid texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_gritty-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

flagwave-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Flag waving in the wind texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_flagwave-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

cloudy-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Soft feathery moving texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_cloudy-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

clicks-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Oscillating grid bumpy surface texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_clicks-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

bezierbump-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab08
Moving bezier lines texture map
Added to catalog on 2006-06-10
ab08_bezierbump-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

wildflowers-13 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-13 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-12 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-12 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-11 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-11 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-10 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-10 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-09 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-09 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-08 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-08 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-07 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-07 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-06 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-06 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-05 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-05 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-04 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-04 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-03 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-03 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-02 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-02 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wildflowers-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob07
Various Wildflowers
Added to catalog on 2006-05-14
ob07_wildflowers-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

watercrystal-01 : 0:36 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab07
Deep water ripples
Added to catalog on 2006-05-01
ab07_watercrystal-01 disc:$2:00 d/l:$ 1.50

soothing-01b : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab07
Gently rotating color paterns
Added to catalog on 2006-05-01
ab07_soothing-01b disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

soleil-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab07
Glowing spinning rays emenating from the center
Added to catalog on 2006-05-01
ab07_soleil-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

slipperyslope-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab07
Dancing and glowing 3D waves
Added to catalog on 2006-05-01
ab07_slipperyslope-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

psych-07 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab07
Psychadelic color patterns
Added to catalog on 2006-05-01
ab07_psych-07 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

psych-06 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab07
Psychadelic color patterns
Added to catalog on 2006-05-01
ab07_psych-06 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

psych-05 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab07
Psychadelic color patterns
Added to catalog on 2006-05-01
ab07_psych-05 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

earth-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab07
Spinning earth globe with transparent oceans
Added to catalog on 2006-05-01
ab07_earth-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

bluepool-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab07
Watery blue ripples
Added to catalog on 2006-05-01
ab07_bluepool-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

river-13 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Turbulent turquoise water with foam
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_river-13 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

river-12 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Shallow ripples over green algae
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_river-12 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

river-11 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Shallow blue ripples over smooth stones
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_river-11 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

river-10 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Fast shallow ripples over flat surface
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_river-10 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

river-09 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Shallow water tumbling over rocks
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_river-09 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

river-08 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Shallow water tumbling over rocks
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_river-08 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

falls-10 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Mountain stream trickling over falls
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_falls-10 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

falls-09 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Niagara Falls, mist over rocks
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_falls-09 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

falls-08 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Niagara Falls, mist and rainbow
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_falls-08 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

falls-07 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Niagara Falls, plummeting into the depths
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_falls-07 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

dam-07 : 0:06 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Icy water falling over country dam
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_dam-07 disc:$0.50 d/l:$ 0.37

dam-06 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Icy water falling over country dam
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_dam-06 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

dam-05 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Icy water trickling through a stone wall
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_dam-05 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

dam-04 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Icy water falling over country dam
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_dam-04 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

dam-03 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Icy water falling over country dam
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_dam-03 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

dam-02 : 0:04 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob06
Icy water falling over country dam
Added to catalog on 2006-04-15
ob06_dam-02 disc:$0.50 d/l:$ 0.37

river-07 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Water ripples in a flowing river
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_river-07 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

river-06 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Water ripples in a flowing river
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_river-06 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

river-05 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob04
Water ripples in a flowing river
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_river-05 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

river-04 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Water ripples in a flowing river
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_river-04 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

river-03 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Water ripples in a flowing river
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_river-03 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

river-02 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Water ripples in a flowing river
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_river-02 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

river-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Water ripples in a flowing river
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_river-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

pouring-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob04
Pouring fluid into a glass
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_pouring-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

icemelt-02 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob04
Ice melting in a bowl - time lapse
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_icemelt-02 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

icemelt-01 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob04
Ice melting in a glass - time lapse
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_icemelt-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

fire-11 : 0:14 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob05
Small fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-11 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

fire-10 : 0:14 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob05
Small fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-10 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

fire-09 : 0:08 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob05
Small fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-09 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

fire-08 : 0:08 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob05
Small fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-08 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

fire-07 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob05
Small fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-07 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

fire-06 : 0:60 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob05
Large fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-06 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

fire-05 : 0:13 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob05
Large fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-05 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

fire-04 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob05
Large fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-04 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

fire-03 : 0:12 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob05
Large fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-03 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

fire-02 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob05
Large fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-02 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

fire-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob05
Large fire / flames
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob05_fire-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

falls-06 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Niagara Falls
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_falls-06 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

falls-05 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Niagara Falls
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_falls-05 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

falls-04 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Niagara Falls
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_falls-04 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

falls-03 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Niagara Falls
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_falls-03 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

falls-02 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Turbulent water at the bottom of a dam
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_falls-02 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

falls-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Turbulent water at the bottom of a dam
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_falls-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

dam-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob04
Water over a dam
Added to catalog on 2006-02-16
ob04_dam-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

wavelets-01h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Waves flowing across a liquid surface
Added to catalog on 2005-08-10
hd01_wavelets-01h disc:$2.50

sparkles-01h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Glowing lines meeting and flashing
Added to catalog on 2005-08-10
hd01_sparkles-01h disc:$2.50

seafoam-04h : 0:30 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
View from the murky ocean floor looking up at the sun
Added to catalog on 2005-08-10
hd01_seafoam-04h disc:$3.00

ripples-01h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Rippled blue water surface in motion
Added to catalog on 2005-08-10
hd01_ripples-01h disc:$2.50

pop-n-glow-01h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Moving glowing spots jumping in and out
Added to catalog on 2005-08-10
hd01_pop-n-glow-01h disc:$2.50

plasmapool-01h : 0:15 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd02
Glowing waves of irridescent liquid
Added to catalog on 2005-08-10
hd02_plasmapool-01h disc:$2.50

orblbubl-01h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Rotating ball of green glowing fuzz
Added to catalog on 2005-08-10
hd01_orblbubl-01h disc:$2.50

moonclouds-01h : 0:30 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd02
Moonbeams glowing through moving clouds and winter trees
Added to catalog on 2005-08-10
hd02_moonclouds-01h disc:$4.00

ghostballs-01h : 0:20 HD1080p Loops: Yes Collection: hd01
Translucent spheres spinning in space
Added to catalog on 2005-08-10
hd01_ghostballs-01h disc:$2.50

snowfall-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Fluffy snowflakes lazily drifting down
Added to catalog on 2004-12-03
ab06_snowfall-01 disc:$0.75 d/l:$ 0.56

pocks-03 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Dancing liquid aqua dents
Added to catalog on 2004-12-03
ab06_pocks-03 disc:$1.25 d/l:$ 0.93

pocks-02 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Hot orange cylindrical dents flowing across the screen
Added to catalog on 2004-12-03
ab06_pocks-02 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

pocks-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Blue-green dimples flowing and jostling
Added to catalog on 2004-12-03
ab06_pocks-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

dredge-02 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Pale slippery, oily, oozing spectral goo
Added to catalog on 2004-12-03
ab06_dredge-02 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

dredge-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Bold slippery, oily, oozing colored goo
Added to catalog on 2004-12-03
ab06_dredge-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

blocklights-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Soft lightbeams reflecting from mirrored blocks
Added to catalog on 2004-12-03
ab06_blocklights-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

psych-04 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Wet rippled flowing colors
Added to catalog on 2004-10-13
ab06_psych-04 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

circuslights-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Soft pulsating colors
Added to catalog on 2004-10-13
ab06_circuslights-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

gridball-03 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Gridlines on a nested ball casting shadows from colored lights
Added to catalog on 2004-09-13
ab06_gridball-03 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

bluegoo-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab06
Puckered blue surface rippling and rotating
Added to catalog on 2004-09-13
ab06_bluegoo-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

powertube-01 : 0:06 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab05
Alien plasma conduit, space station power tube or warp drive.
Added to catalog on 2004-09-10
ab05_powertube-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

planet-03 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab05
Desolate desert world of drifting brown sand
Added to catalog on 2004-09-10
ab05_planet-03 disc:$4.00 d/l:$ 3.00

planet-02 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab05
Large orange gas giant with triple rings and an orbiting moon
Added to catalog on 2004-09-10
ab05_planet-02 disc:$4.00 d/l:$ 3.00

planet-01 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab05
Blue-green planet with clouds and a moon
Added to catalog on 2004-09-10
ab05_planet-01 disc:$4.00 d/l:$ 3.00

alienstation-01a : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab05
Alien space station
Added to catalog on 2004-09-10
ab05_alienstation-01a disc:$4.00 d/l:$ 3.00

trigworms-01 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
An undulating worm made up of rings of colored light squirming on a grid
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_trigworms-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

swoops-02 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Glowing rotating arcs of color on a solid blue background
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_swoops-02 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

swoops-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Glowing rotating arcs of color on a solid purple background
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_swoops-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

swampbugs-02 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Varicolored dark lifeforms swimming and dancing in murky water
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_swampbugs-02 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

swampbugs-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Varicolored glowing lifeforms swimming and dancing in murky water
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_swampbugs-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

sparkle-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Glowing lines meeting and flashing
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_sparkle-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

psych-03 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Dual-layer display of undulating colors
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_psych-03 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

octolightning-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Kaleidoscopic patterns of lightning streaks
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_octolightning-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

moire-02 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Colored moire patterns bouncing and interacting
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_moire-02 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

moire-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Colored moire patterns bouncing and interacting
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_moire-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

liquidgold-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Reflecting ripples flowing over a molten gold surface
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_liquidgold-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

gridball-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Gridlines on a ball casting shadows from colored lights
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_gridball-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

glowbugs-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Yellow lifeforms meeting and flashing in the dark
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_glowbugs-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

blurble-02 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Softly glowing rings bouncing and turning
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_blurble-02 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

blurble-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Softly glowing rings bouncing and turning
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_blurble-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

astralfog-02 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Colored mist twisting and flickering
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_astralfog-02 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

astralfog-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Colored mist twisting and turning
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_astralfog-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

algaepool-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab04
Green lifeforms wriggling under water
Added to catalog on 2004-09-06
ab04_algaepool-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

wall-wave-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab02
Textured wall gliding past
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab02_wall-wave-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

starrynight-01b : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
Stars twinkling in a night sky
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_starrynight-01b disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

softripples-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
Small fast ripples in a light green pool
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_softripples-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

seafoam-04 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
View from the murky ocean floor looking up at the sun
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_seafoam-04 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

raindrops-02 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
Raindrops falling in a pool of water
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_raindrops-02 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

raindrops-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
Raindrops falling in a pool of water
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_raindrops-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

psych-02b : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
Undulating spectrum of colors
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_psych-02b disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

psych-01 : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
Kaleidoscope display
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_psych-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

plasmapool-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
Glowing waves of irridescent liquid
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_plasmapool-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

oilslick-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
Oily surface undulating
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_oilslick-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

ghostballs-01d : 0:20 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
Translucent spheres spinning in space
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_ghostballs-01d disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

cubical-grids-01 : 1:00 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab02
Colored grids spinning in space
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab02_cubical-grids-01 disc:$4.00 d/l:$ 3.00

blueripples-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab03
Expanding ripples
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab03_blueripples-01 disc:$1.50 d/l:$ 1.12

block-of-blocks-02 : 1:00 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab02
Textured cubes spinning in space
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab02_block-of-blocks-02 disc:$4.00 d/l:$ 3.00

block-of-blocks-01 : 1:00 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab02
Textured cubes spinning in space
Added to catalog on 2004-09-03
ab02_block-of-blocks-01 disc:$4.00 d/l:$ 3.00

water-02 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob03
Running water
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob03_water-02 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

water-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob03
Running water
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob03_water-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

vanish-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_vanish-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

sunset-06 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob02
Timelapse sunset
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob02_sunset-06 disc:$3.00 d/l:$ 2.25

sunset-05 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob02
Timelapse sunset
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob02_sunset-05 disc:$3.00 d/l:$ 2.25

sunset-04 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob02
Timelapse sunset
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob02_sunset-04 disc:$3.00 d/l:$ 2.25

sunset-03 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob02
Timelapse sunset
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob02_sunset-03 disc:$3.00 d/l:$ 2.25

sunset-02 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob02
Timelapse sunset
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob02_sunset-02 disc:$3.00 d/l:$ 2.25

sunset-01 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob02
Timelapse sunset
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob02_sunset-01 disc:$3.00 d/l:$ 2.25

starflag-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_starflag-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

ripples-01 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob03
Ripples on water surface
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob03_ripples-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

odometer-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_odometer-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

magnifiedwood-01 : 0:12 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_magnifiedwood-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

liquidsteel-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_liquidsteel-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

linearfade-01 : 0:11 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_linearfade-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

lightbulb-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_lightbulb-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

leaves-06 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_leaves-06 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

leaves-05 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_leaves-05 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

leaves-04 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_leaves-04 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

leaves-03 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_leaves-03 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

leaves-02 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_leaves-02 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

leaves-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_leaves-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

knob-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_knob-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

groundcover-06 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_groundcover-06 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

groundcover-05 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_groundcover-05 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

groundcover-04 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_groundcover-04 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

groundcover-03 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_groundcover-03 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

groundcover-02 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_groundcover-02 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

groundcover-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob01
Outdoor greenery
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob01_groundcover-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

glowingfuzz-01 : 0:12 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_glowingfuzz-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

flickerspin-01 : 0:18 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_flickerspin-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

drips-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ob03
Water dripping into a pool
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob03_drips-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

digitring-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_digitring-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

controlpanel-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_controlpanel-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

clouds-03 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob03
Timelapse clouds
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob03_clouds-03 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

clouds-02 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob03
Timelapse clouds
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob03_clouds-02 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

clouds-01 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ob03
Timelapse clouds
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ob03_clouds-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

clockface-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_clockface-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

classicbox-01 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_classicbox-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

classic-03 : 0:10 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_classic-03 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

blockslant-01 : 0:11 NTSC Loops: No Collection: ca01
Countdown timer clip
Added to catalog on 2004-09-02
ca01_blockslant-01 disc:$1.00 d/l:$ 0.75

manyballs-01 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab01
Translucent colored spheres swirling and intersecting
Added to catalog on 2003-08-01
ab01_manyballs-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

glassmoons-02 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab01
Glass spheres orbiting in space
Added to catalog on 2003-08-01
ab01_glassmoons-02 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

cb-tricolor-01 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab01
Mutlicolor blocks climbing planes in random patterns
Added to catalog on 2003-08-01
ab01_cb-tricolor-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

boiladelic-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab01
Translucent colored spheres swirling over a raging backdrop
Added to catalog on 2003-08-01
ab01_boiladelic-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

bluebars-03 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab01
Horizontal lines streaking across the screen
Added to catalog on 2003-08-01
ab01_bluebars-03 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

aquabars-02 : 0:30 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab01
Horizontal lines streaking across the screen
Added to catalog on 2003-08-01
ab01_aquabars-02 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

amber-film-01 : 0:15 NTSC Loops: Yes Collection: ab01
Movie film running up the screen
Added to catalog on 2003-08-01
ab01_amber-film-01 disc:$2.00 d/l:$ 1.50

Chienworks* Rotating Cat Head Video RCHV store - animated backgrounds & video clipart
All prices in US dollars
All graphics, artwork, and video clips copyright 125 by Chienworks* Rotating Cat Head Video